Report: V4 Trade and FDI Observer

The Polish Institute of International Affairs recommends you the report: V4 Trade and FDI Observer prepared under the project: V4 Trade and FDI Observer, financed by the International Visegrad Fund. PISM was represented in this project by Patryk Toporowski, PISM analyst, who was responsible in substance for a section on Poland.
The Polish Institute of International Affairs recommends you the report: V4 Trade and FDI Observer prepared under the project: V4 Trade and FDI Observer, financed by the International Visegrad Fund. PISM was represented in this project by Patryk Toporowski, PISM analyst, who was responsible in substance for a section on Poland.

The report is the result of work of the small team of experts from the Visegrad Group countries: the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary. Editors of the whole document are Tamás Szemler (ICEG European Centre) and Andrea Éltető (Hungarian Academy of Sciences). The aim of the quarterly is the analysis of current trade and investments of the Visegrad Group countries, including the wider economic context and a longer time horizon.